The ZONED FT range of tubular baghouse filters are part of a long established range of automatic reverse-jet cleaning filters, designed for continuous operation in manufacturing process that require filters to handle a high dust loading with correspondingly high filtration efficiencies.
Our recently updated baghouse models incorporate a series of internal tubular cages surrounded by high efficiency polyester needlefelt cloth elements, designed to improve dust release and reduce compressed air consumption when pulse cleaning.
The FT range of dust filters is an effective and efficient way to reduce airborne dusts from your facility, providing an improved workplace for your employees and ensuring optimum product quality.
Main Features:
Filter areas from 40m to 540 m
Top access clean dust plenum (for ease of maintenance)
Quick release facility for dust bin
Filtration efficiencies up to 99% on 0.3 micron dusts
ATEX certification for Zone 21 and 22 dust applications
Technical Specifications
Fully welded filter unit enclosures using minimum 2mm mild steel sheet
Sealed flange connections between all chambers of the baghouse
Epoxy coated finish as standard (powder coated finish as option)
Access ladder and guard railing for filter element changing supplied as option
Filter Elements
550gsm polyester needlefelt elements on zinc coated steel cages
Single felt stainless steel Snaptex sealing ring on top for superior seal during jet cleaning and for ease of removal
Option of claw joint on cage for filter removal in limited height areas
Cleaning System
Automated reverse-jet (pulse-jet) cleaning system for 24/7 operation
Filter sequencing control panel supplied as standard to automate pulse cleaning through timed delays or only when elements are dirty (to save on compressed air consumption).
Explosion relief panels fitted to bag-house unit for venting of combustible dusts
Variety of filter media options available to suit your application including anti-static (epitropic) for ATEX applications
Final HEPA (absolute) filtration for return of air to indoors
Bin balance facility for collection into bag
Colours to suit your needs
Differential pressure gauges available for filter monitoring